
Behold the Encrinurines

by Kenneth C. Gass

Behold the encrinurines! They’re a fascinating lot.
They have some special features other trilobites have not.
Triangular pygidia help diagnose this clade,
And R/P ratios over 1 will help them make the grade.

Tuberculated heads and tails had caught the eyes of many.
Linnaeus published one of them, although he named not any.
The int’rest in these bumpy beasts has carried on for ages.
And Buckland, Walch and Murchison all showed them on their pages.

They have their share of monsters, with great spines stuck here and there -
Some bifurcated, some are curved, and some come in a pair.
And that is just a sample of the qualities they’ve got.
Behold the encrinurines! They’re a fascinating lot.


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